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turning time中文是什么意思

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  • So the routine dynamic adjustment process , which needs turns time and time will come into a static process , which only need fine turning
  • In the several years , the period during which the statute on the town and township enterprises has been putting into effect is just the moment that our economy system and economy environment have taken rapid changes , the successive and unprecedented problems are emerged at this turning time in the courses of transition of system innovation and structure adjustment , hi view of this situation , it is vital to complete the legal system and enhance the executive power for the defense of the sanctity and authority of the law and for the development of the town and township enterprises
    乡镇企业法实施以来的几年,正是我国经济体制和经济环境变化最快的时期,乡镇企业处于体制创新和结构调整的重要转折时期,新问题接踵而来,新困难前所未有。针对新情况、新问题,完善乡镇企业立法,加强执法力度,对于维护法律的尊严和权威,对于更好卜l臼霎固二ixs q二卜十, 4子汀yvas工ers丁哑引s一乡镇企业特殊发展历程和重要地位入手,论述了乡镇企业立法和加强法制建设的重要意义,指出了乡镇企业立法和执法中存在的主要问题,提出了完善和加强乡镇企业立法和执法的建议。
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